Millian Methodist Preschool
13025 Grenoble Drive
Rockville, MD 20853
Tel: 301-946-2222
3s - Exploring Everything
Three-Year-Olds are curious and are learning to test boundaries and explore independence. Our goal is to encourage this independence through hands-on activities, projects, and creativity inspiring learning games. There is also a focus on language development and conversation skills.
All classes are four hours and run 9:15 a.m to 1:15 a.m
M-W-F - $445 per month
M-F - $670 per month
Daily Schedule Includes:
Arrival and Greeting - Great time for teachers and children to connect and share information.
Morning Circle Time - Discuss the plan for the day, assign helpers, discuss weather and calendar. Story time with a book related to the day's lesson or theme.
Snack - varies daily
Activty Centers - Children rotate through teacher assisted centers.
Music and Movement - Focus on finger plays, songs and dancing that relate to the day's lesson or theme.
Lunch - provided by parents (no nuts)
Outdoor Play - Children go out daily and enjoy the playground and participate in other outdoor activities including nature walks, picnics, etc.
End of Day Circle Time - Children reflect and comment on the day and choose a book for the teacher to read.